weight loss injections
Semaglutide is a medication that increases Glucagon-Like-Peptide-1 ‘GLP-1’ receptor activity in our body. This allows our body to increase insulin secretion in the presence of food, decrease the stored glucagon secretion and delay gastric emptying. The action of this drug can help you utilize the sugar in your body for energy and help with appetite allowing you to lose weight. Pair Semaglutide with diet and exercise for the best results.
How does Semaglutide work?
Delays stomach emptying and slows intestinal motility. This leads to a feeling of fullness and satisfaction with smaller meal sizes.
Lowers blood sugars, in part by reducing the production of glucagon from the pancreas.
Stimulates insulin secretion by the pancreas – but not directly, so it does not cause low blood sugar.
A semaglutide regimen will also lead to healthier blood sugar levels, which can help you feel more energetic throughout the day. Stabilized and controlled blood sugar levels can also help improve other areas of overall health.
During the increase of dosage, patients should be aware of any unwanted side effects such as: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, constipation and heartburn.
All patients receive a free Lipoplex injection to help ease these side effects. If side effects continue, discuss options with your provider.
Semaglutide 0.25 mg
$240/month ($60/week)
Semaglutuide 0.5mg
$240/month ($60/week)
Semaglutide 0.75 mg
$240/month ($60/week)
Semaglutide 1.0 mg
$320/month ($80/week)
Semaglutide 1.5 mg
$320/month ($80/week)
Semaglutide 2.0 mg
$320/month ($80/week)
Active ingredients:
- Semaglutide
Inactive Ingredients:
- Benzyl Alcohol
- Sodium Phosphate Dibasic Anhydrous
- Sterile water for injection
Tirzepatide is a compound that mimics a class of hormones called ‘Glucagon-Like Peptide-1’ or ‘GLP-1’. It also mimics the effect of another class of hormones called ‘Glucose-Dependent Insulinotropic Polypeptide’ or ‘GIP’. Its ability to mimic two different types of hormones are what makes Tirzepatide unique.
Tirzepatide works by signaling to the brain that you are full, causing you to eat less.
It slows the movement of food through your stomach which causes you to feel full longer.
When used with diet and exercise, Tirzepatide can both lower blood sugar levels and lead to weight loss in people with and without diabetes.
During the increase of dosage, patients should be aware of any unwanted side effects such as: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, constipation and heartburn.
All patients receive a free Lipoplex injection to help ease these side effects. If side effects continue, discuss options with your provider.
Tirzepatide 2.5 mg
$280/month ($70/week)
Tirzepatide 5 mg
$360/month ($90/week)
Tirzepatide 7.5 mg
$420/month ($105/week)
Tirzepatide 10 mg
$500/month ($125/week)
Tirzepatide 12.5 mg
$560/month ($140/week)
Tirzepatide 15 mg
$640/month ($160/week)
Active Ingredients:
- Tirzepatide
Inactive Ingredients:
- Benzyl Alcohol
- Sterile water for injection
What makes us different
With each weekly visit, the patient will use our InBody scale for a full body composition analysis that provides a detailed breakdown of your weight in terms of muscle, fat, and water. This will help the provider track your weekly progress and make adjustments as needed.
In addition to the weight loss injections, patients will receive a free lipo-plex injection that aids in increasing your metabolism and boosting fat burning. The lipo-plex contains supplements and vitamins, such as B12 and amino acids. When combined with the weight loss injections, these ingredients can further aid in weight loss, as well as easing nausea, headaches and fatigue that are associated with starting semaglutide or tirzepitide.
Lipo-plex Injections may also be purchased on their own without semaglutide or tirzepitide for $20.
This Injection is a complex of
Pyridoxine (B6): Promotes red blood cell productionand converts food to energy.
Methionine: Helps break down sugars & carbohydrates and convert to energy.
Inositol: Converts food to energy.
Choline: Healthy nerve cells, cuts muscle recovery time, helps convert fat to energy .
Cyanocobalamin (B12): Energy, healthy nerve cells.
Thiamine (B1): Improves immune system, helps convert fat and carbohydrates into energy.
Riboflavin (B2): Increases metabolism, supports immune system.